BLKORDER – Nested Entity Layer Order
This versatile app from CAD Design Software will enable you to select one or more layers and then their corresponding block, to move those block layers to the top in an instant!
Trial App: Download the installer package from CDS or Autodesk. When first run, app will be in Trial mode. After trial expire pick the "Purchase App" button in dialog that appears (app used in AutoCAD) or return to this webpage and pick the Buy Now button. See Install Support page
Buying App: Pick the Buy Now
button to purchase. This will direct you
to PayPal. You may login to use your
preexisting account or make a one-time
purchase with a Debit or Credit Card*. Once payment is received you
will receive an email message with your
serial number. Copy and Paste your
serial number into the dialog box.
See License Support Page
*CAD Design Software owns a Paypal Merchant account to allow use of a credit or debit card for a one-time purchase without need to create or use a Paypal account.
Contact CDS: 1-877-CAD-USER
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